
Some Exciting News in the RECON World


After a very rocky start, our next issue of RECON, the long-awaited Vol. 4, Issue 1, is at the printer. The printer predicts a ship date of April 18, with subscriptions mailed April 22. So everyone should have/be able to get RECON by the final week of April. I just hope it was worth the wait--a lot of pressure here! LOL Please write in, post on our forums, or leave a comment here and let me know what you think!

While everyone in the paintball world (or so it seemed) was out at CPX Sports for the Viper Living Legends game, I was here in New York digging out from a mountain of work.

But that's okay, because I will get a special treat in May, when I visit the Planet Eclipse U.S. headquarters in Rhode Island to interview "Uncle Ray" Veasey about the company's increased involvement in, and support of, scenario and woodsball. TJ and I have wanted to visit Eclipse HQ for about three years now (since the '05 Ego came out.) We finally have the time and reason to do it!

Trust me, TJ will bring his Nikon D80, and he'll be snapping photos of everything they let him! That coverage will come to you in Vol. 4, Issue 3. (We have a special industry interview surprise lined up for Vol. 4, Issue 2... someone who is much-loved by SpecOps fans the world-over.)

Monty Doom was out in Chicago covering the Living Legends game for RECON Magazine, and he'll stop by in a few days to give you his personal, inside-scoop wrap up of the game right here, even before you get to read the full article in the magazine. I also hope to convince Wayne Montle of Blast Radius Woodsball Podcast to check in every so often from Australia!

Until then, play safe, play fair, keep paintball fun for everyone!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to 4.1!