
"New" Kid in Town?

There's a new blogger out there, this one designed to give TB Wright a run for his money, as reported in this week's Ford Report.

He is striving to expose all that is wrong and evil in scenario paintball over at PaintballRejects.com.

But, I have to say, (a little bit of ego here), what really made my morning was seeing my name on the list of "who he's not." The list is a veritable who's-who of scenario 'ball, and he listed my name! Woo-hoo. (Yes, I still get a bit starstruck...as far as this game goes, I'm still a bit of a newbie myself.)

I have my own ideas of who he is, and I probably have a leg up in my guess, since I've worked with most of the top writers in paintball and can discern writers' voices pretty well. But I'll keep my thoughts to myself right now... leaving you with this clue: Who's name is notably missing from this list, a paintballer who strives to expose all that is wrong in the sport? (And, incidentally, claims not to be sponsored although I know he gets kit from a handful of top companies and sports their stickers on his gear.) Think about it.

Feel free to post your guesses below.


Ian "Lo" Ebersole said...

Hmm.. I also have a strong guess, although I'll let some other people venture theirs first..

Interesting blog to say the least.

The Paintball Reject said...

Tyger? Can't see him doing this...

Unknown said...

I think it is 10 shot Kid. I think he has good intentions I just think he goes about it all wrong.

Ian "Lo" Ebersole said...

Well, Dan took the words out of my mouth. Although I'd think if its 10SK, he'd also have other people writing with him.


Anonymous said...

lol it's not me

"since I've worked with most of the top writers in paintball and can discern writers' voices pretty well."

I've never written for profit so nyah

"Who's name is notably missing from this list, a paintballer who strives to expose all that is wrong in the sport?"

That's sorta not what I do, nor do I think this is a "sport."

"incidentally, claims not to be sponsored although I know he gets kit from a handful of top companies and sports their stickers on his gear."

I'm sponsered :P

Also if I had a blog it would be a lot better than that one on many points. Also I would never call TB a bitch. Furthermore I wouldn't link to anything that's specops (no offense dawn) in my blog.

blogs are a total PITA there's no way I'd deal with that hassle. Forums are there for lazy people like me

10-shot kid