Black Friday is unique not only because it draws all styles of paintballers on to the same field but because it is the first large event of the year. Black Friday is the first chance players have to rekindle friendships and bang the rust off the paintball skills.
"The paintball gods are smiling on us today," said James Langlois, owner of Mersey Road Paintball, "A spring storm made the field unplayable a few days ago. But the sun came out, cleared up the snow and made a perfect day for paintball."
The official event registration of 209, and an unofficial head count of close to 300, continues to make Black Friday one of the largest games in Atlantic Canada.
The game ran in two 90 minute halves, immediate respawn, with the teams switching ends at half time. At the half time lunch break, raffle and door prizes (provided by Tippmann Sports), were given out. The immediate respawn made made for non stop action all over the field coupled with prizes for players made the day a success all around.
In many areas paintball participation has been in decline. The exact opposite is true for Atlantic Canada paintball. The increase in players at Black Friday, expansions teams in the Atlantic Tactical Woodsball League (ATWL), and the new Eastern Paintball Players League (EPPL), proves that the game of paintball is stronger than ever.
“It is great to see so many players out today.” commented Ben Van Horne of the Tippinators “With this many talented players out for the first event of the season bodes well for the competition at the ATWL and EPPL this year. It is going to be a great season.
The true attraction of Black Friday is that paintballers be they; woodsballers, recballers or speedballers, can gather for a day of fun before players gravitate back to their preferred style of play.
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